Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Proyección Social
Courses in Zaragoza

Specific DELE preparation courses


60-hour courses (45 class hours)


Aim: To prepare students for the exams leading to the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE).

Dates: Three courses are offered 15 days before DELE exam dates (November, April and May).

Schedule (afternoon): to agree with the students.

Direction reserves the right to cancel the course if the minimum number of students required is not met.

Enrolment fee: € 250

Students of Year Course will have a 50% discount off the total price (€ 125), including tuition, material used in the classes (except the price of the textbook).

Erasmus students who have an agreement with the University of Zaragoza (except Erasmus trainees) can benefit from a discount of € 82 in a single course, after their due accreditation.There is the possibility of a joint fee that includes the Diploma of Spanish DELE and a training course for this exam.

Credits: 1,5 ECTS Credits.