Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Proyección Social

[ENGLISH] Enrolment form for Spanish as a foreign language courses 2025-2026


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General Spanish language and culture courses for foreigners
Dates in the afternoon (2 hours per day):
Dates in the morning (4 hours per day):
Dates in the afternoon (2 hours per day):


1. Refund of tuition fees

It must be requested through the official form (Official Form). Along with the refund request form, it will be necessary to attach the documents that accredit the circumstances that may justify such refund (serious illness or accident and visa denial).

2. In the annual, quarterly and trimester courses, as well as in the Jaca and ELE Teacher Training courses, no amount will be refunded if the cancellation is not made at least 30 days prior to the start date of the course in which the student is originally enrolled.  It should be noted, in any case, that cancellation of enrollment in any course entails a cancellation fee of 16% of the total amount of the registration fee.  For intensive courses, the aforementioned period is reduced to 15 days.

3. The management reserves the right to cancel any of the courses offered, if a minimum number of students is not reached. In this case, the full amount of the registration fee will be refunded.

4. There will be no change from one course to another, except in the case of duly justified force majeure. For the purposes of calculating the deadline for requesting a refund, the course in which the student initially enrolls and generates the tuition payment will always be taken as a reference, even if the student is later authorized to change the course to another course held at a later date.




  • Before the start of each course, the full registration fee must be paid and, in case of requesting accommodation in the University Residence of Jaca and having a place in it, the full payment of it must also be paid. No amount will be refunded if the cancellation is not made at least 30 days in advance, or by early departure (except for 16% of expenses, which will not be refunded under any circumstances).
  •  A copy of the payment receipt, a photocopy of the passport or identity card and a passport-size photograph must be included.



In compliance with the provisions of current legislation regarding the protection of personal data (Regulation EU 2016/679 of April 27) we would like to inform you that any personal data provided will be treated under the responsibility of the University of Zaragoza with the only purpose of managing academically and administratively your participation in the Spanish Courses for Foreigners (ELE), in the Extraordinary Courses (CEX) or in any of the programs and activities related.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition or portability of the University of Zaragoza (1st floor Paraninfo Building number 4 Plaza Basilio Paraíso, 50005 Zaragoza) clearly indicating the reason for your request, along with a copy of your identity document. The request may be made in paper format or by electronic means.

If you think that we haven’t processed your personal data as required by law, you can contact the, or the Spanish Agency through the forms provided for this purpose and accessible from its website

You can find all the information related to this regard at:

Data protection is everyone’s responsibility.

The University of Zaragoza has a page that includes legislation, information and data models that can be accessed form the following link: